Tech Needs Leaders with Global Experience
(Originally published on: /// “Blindsided” “Caught flat footed”...

From Human-Centered Design to Human-Centered Product
Ten years ago, I led a project for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to create the Human-Centered Design Toolkit, a step-by-step...

Your #CultureFirst Questions Answered on Building Effective and Healthy Cultures
On June 13, I gave the Day 2 Keynote at the CultureFirst Conference in San Francisco. When the video is available, I'll post it here. In...

Culture Risk for the Boardroom
"Looking Critically at Company Culture" in C-Suite Magazine

Tatyana Mamut on How Technology Has Changed the Way We Conduct Design Research
For this year's Core77 Design Awards, we're conducting in-depth interviews with each of our jury captains to get in a glimpse into their...
Podcast: Creating Cultures that Innovate
What makes certain companies thrive and become successful? It’s not technology, nor how efficiently we can get things done… it’s about...
3 Ways Leaders can Build & Scale Company Culture
If Team and Culture Matter Most for startup success, then what do founders need to know about creating great cultures that will continue...
Interrupting Gender Bias in Tech: three real-world solutions for organizations of any size
This is an extraordinary moment that just a few months ago, I thought would never occur. As a female executive who’s worked in tech,...

Auditions: The Cure for Ineffective Interviews
As a leader and hiring manager at Salesforce, I had no problem hiring an amazing, high-performing and diverse team. This team of product...
Innovation Beyond the Visionary
All organizations are born innovative. Not all organizations stay innovative. And the ones that do don’t stay innovative in the same...
The 7 Qualities of Great Leaders
Last week, Doris Kearns Goodwin, the world’s foremost scholar of Presidential leadership, spoke at Salesforce. She delineated the...